Hacketstown Phase 1



Ballygossan Park in Hacketstown is a high quality addition to the highly attractive and self-contained sea-side town of Skerries to the north of Dublin.   JFOC Architects have been involved in this site since in 2005, including working with Fingal County Council on a Local Area Plan in 2009, and subsequently cooperating with them on a masterplan for the entire development lands at Hacketstown. 

Located to the south of Skerries, and within walking distance of Skerries Railway station the development of the site offered the opportunity for a diverse, sustainable and characterful residential community.  The site is bounded by the 1970s Estate of Hillside to the North. Previously the land was deeply excavated here and consequently the ridge levels of the existing houses on the southern boundary of the Hillside Estate are close to the ground level of the new development.  Detailed consideration of the level of cut and fill required to maintain both the privacy and amenity of the adjacent houses has been taken in the design.  The distinctive steep topography of the site required that accessibility for all and sensitive boundary treatment be given particular attention.

The design for this residential development was informed by the Hacketstown Local Area Plan, the Urban Design and Landscape Plan prepared for the site and the Department of the Environment Urban Design Manual and was strongly influenced by its own context and environment.  The design emphasis was on a layout which was permeable and connected, and gave pedestrians and cyclists priority.  This contemporary residential development of 103 dwellings was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanala in 2013.  Restrictions including the slope of the site and adjacent residential developments informed the architectural response and gave the opportunity for a variety of solutions in the different contexts. 

The palette of materials chosen is deliberately stripped back and simple, consisting of neutral coloured renders, blue/ black slate, limited timber cladding and accents of zinc cladding.  This reflects the character of the village of Skerries and is appropriate to the coastal location.  Excellent layouts, passive supervision of streets and open spaces, and high quality landscape design was integral to the design of all these dwellings.  Working to the much improved building standards, these homes are A- rated and highly energy efficient, and provide the highest quality and comfortable living environments within and without. 

103 Units

JFOC Architects

Skerries, County Dublin

Completed 2005-2018


© Paul Tierney